A cow has 1 stomach which is divided into 4 compartments called the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. The first 3 compartments, the rumen, reticulum, and omasum are termed ‘forestomachs’ by...
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A cow can have twins. Twin calving in beef cattle is about 2% and in dairy cattle such as Holstein Fresian, it can be as high as 5%. Twins in cows result from double ovulation or embryo split....
Downer Cow Syndrome is a cow's inability to rise and stand for more than 24 hours, often due to trauma, metabolic problems, and toxic diseases. Other names include Bovine Secondary Recumbency or Cow...
Rotavirus In Calves: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
Rotavirus causes calf scour symptoms in calves between 3 days and 3 weeks old. Poor hygiene is the main cause of transmission in which can often be prevented through isolation. There are two...
Butchering your own beef costs $2.18 per pound while a butcher will only charge $1.95 per pound. However, the cost to butcher your own beef becomes significantly cheaper after the first cow, as...
A springing cow is also known as a pregnant cow who is about to give birth. Common signs include rapid udder growth and unusual behavior. Cows that are going through the parturition process should be...