Cow manure, also known as cow dung, is mostly digested grass and, depending on the cattle’s diet, may also contain grain. It’s not just cow droppings, as it contains tracks of hay, straw, grains,...
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Cattle certainly do experience pain. This can occur during dehorning, lameness, parturition, and when sick or injured. Cows appear to have different tolerances to pain and can also feel...
Mastitis In Cows: How it Differs Between Dairy Cows and Beef Cows
There are numerous causes of mastitis in cows. It can also be complicated to treat depending on the severity and the source of the infection. Mastitis collectively costs farmers billions of dollars...
Do Cows Only Produce Milk When Pregnant? 6 Things You Need To Know
Cows can only produce milk during pregnancy and for up to 12 months post-birth. Milk production in cows is a complex process that involves different hormones, including oestrogen, progesterone,...
A cow’s digestive system consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. These organs help cows to break down food for the provision of energy. The main distinctive feature...
A Brief History of Cattle: From Wild Animals To A Domesticated Life
Modern cattle come from wild aurochs around 10,000 years ago. Today, cattle are fascinating, given their beauty, intelligence, curiosity, diversity, and high production levels. All these...